Dr. Richard S. Scott, RN/PHN, MPH, EdD
Board Chair, RVHS
2022 marked a significant year of growth for River Valley Health Services. We experienced our first full year of offering clinical services to complement our 18-year history of providing personalized nursing care, health screening, and navigational services. The dedication of our Executive Director, nursing, interpreter, and support staff, along with the generous voluntary contribution of Dr. David Willey’s time and medical expertise, enabled us to nearly double the number of new clients served. Furthermore, it enabled us to be more responsive to the breadth of healthcare needs of our clients. The impact of these services is evident in hearing the dozens of stories shared by our clients, often with tears in their eyes, about how grateful they are for the care and compassion they received from our team.
2022 also marked a year of transformation for River Valley Health Services. We underwent a change in Board Leadership with Noreen Kleinfehn-Wald resigning from her role as Board Chair. I was voted in as the new Board Chair, and we added several new members to the Board of Directors. This expanded the diversity, expertise, and life experiences we can now draw upon to guide us into the future to better serve our clients’ and our community’s unique and often challenging needs.
We look forward to 2023 as we add a clinic location in Scott County and expand upon the services we offer. In addition, we plan to increase our engagement with key leaders and community residents as we cultivate a strong and diverse leadership team through our Board of Directors and Action Committees. This diversity will help us provide the wisdom and infrastructure to enhance our diabetes awareness, screening, and education campaign, along with our robust clinical and nursing care and navigational services. Please read through the Annual Report to learn more about our positive impact on our community. I also encourage you to join our team through your engagement, financial support, and/ or advocacy to enhance our capacity to not only serve as a critical safety net but to be a champion for the health and wellbeing of all of us.
Dr. Richard S. Scott, RN/PHN, MPH, EdD
Board Chair, RVHS